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Soil Enhancers

Turning lifeless dirt into lush soil!

The three main elements of dirt is clay, sand and silt. When soil becomes lifeless, it become dirt.  If clay, sand and dirt were the size of a softball, foottball and a car (respectively)A raindrop would be the size of a house.  When raindrops hit unprotected dirt gets washed away.Have a look at our youtube for more infomation.

Our compost is created in an in-vessel composting (IVC) system and derived from green waste and food waste.  Certified to BSI PAS100 standard as a slow-release fertiliser and soil enhancer

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Sourced in Scotland, volcanic ash has pockets of enriched minerals such as magneisum and potatsium.  When these elements are weathered they are released to create extreamely fertile soil.

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Every situtation is unique.  Some soils will need more organic matter, other better water retention.  We provide a custom blend to suit your needs.  Choose the amounts of top soil, fertiliser, sand, manure and minerals that your soilds needs.

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Our compost is created using a 12 week, four-stage in-vessel composting (IVC) system surpassing the BSI Pas 100 Standards.

At reception, the food and garden waste has all the plastics removed and shredded to 40mm.

In the vessel, oxygen and heat are added killing off any harmful but keeping all good bacteria.

Then the compost is then put into rows called windrows. These rows are turned regularly for aeration and rubbish removed during this 5 to 8 week process.

The compost is polished using a wind surfer machine, removing all wood, plastic and rubbish before the final 10mm screening.